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mr grady
S2 licensed
The other great one for "Damian", (see the '99 Brit GP and MB interview with Prescot :leb: )

was '98 @ Spa.

fantastic multi-pileup at the start.

but for me it was Ralph Schumachers long face on the podium..........HAHAHAHA WHAT A SOURPUSS!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Bring on David Richards and his Prodrive f1 team.

look how BAR lost their way after he was dumped by honda....illepall ...serves them bloody right!!!
mr grady
S2 licensed
amazing A1GP car mr grumpy..................

ive "stolen" a few logo's and the like from the GBR team to put on my cars.......

but your skin is just the dogs whatnots!

good work!
mr grady
S2 licensed
On the good old Amiga:

alone in the dark

team yankee

m1 tank platoon

On the PC:

duke nukem 3d




viper racing


mr grady
S2 licensed
Anything by kiss.........but if im pushed any of the live albums or "Revenge" and or "Creatures.."/"Destroyer".

also in my car at the moment is the brilliant Velvet Revolver cd.

killer album!

others include:

metallica (black album)
meatloaf (bat out of hell)

i dont give a toss what they say on TG about that last one.its a bloody classic............
mr grady
S2 licensed
updated graphics drivers.

sweet as a nut now.................thankyou for all your time and advice, it is appreciated.
mr grady
S2 licensed
im using a Nvidia GeForce FX 5700LE
mr grady
S2 licensed
thanks for the advice..........

as regarding my card overheating, how can i tell?

nothing like this happens in any other games.

i will try updating whatever i can.

cheers for helping
dodgy graphics
mr grady
S2 licensed
when i start up LFS most times my screen is a jumbled...............see foto..........

to correct this i select a new track in single player and after the screen refreshes all is fine, but doing this all the time is hacking me off.

advice please..........

a clean install of LFS?
new graphic drivers?

cheers for taking the time to read this.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote :the headline i'm waiting for is "SCHUI CALLS IT QUITS" so a new era of F1 can begin. maybe an era where drivers are respectful of each other on track even!

Here here!
mr grady
S2 licensed
What a race that was.

at the time i was a huge hill fan, so seeing him lose out in that way was terrible.
seeing him pass scumacher was brilliant!
i was glad to see JV take the title that year. i cant deny scumachers driving skill, but his "win at all cost's, including driving others off the track" attitude makes my blood boil.